The Translingua Language Translator Code of Ethics
“Every translation shall be faithful, and render exactly the idea and form of the original. This fidelity constitutes both a moral and legal obligation for the translator.”–International Federation of Translators (FIT)
From The Translator’s Charter (Approved by the Congress at Dubrovnik in 1963 and amended in Oslo on July 9, 1994)
For over 39 years, we have handpicked our certified language translators for their unrivaled proficiency in both their native language skills, as well as their professional field(s) of expertise. However, our selection process does not end there. In order for language translators represent both Translingua and our valued clientele, they also must adhere to the strictest code of personal and professional ethics. This is the only way to ensure the language translator we provide will faithfully and diligently perform their duties to their fullest capabilities.

The Translingua Language Translator Code of Ethics states:
- Professional Practice: The language translator provides only the highest quality and most professional language translations for every project they undertake.
- Impartiality: The language translator will immediately declare any potential conflict of interest that could serve to undermine professional impartiality, and therefore compromise his or her document translation performance. This includes any personal or ethical values and opinions
- Confidentiality: The language translator must under all circumstances respect the privacy and confidentiality of the information every document they translate contains—unless otherwise dictated by a court of law. This confidentiality includes no unauthorized reproduction, disclosure, or divulgence of any information contained in client-submitted documents.
- Accuracy: The language translator must translate each and every document in a manner that preserves its exact meaning, style, and register.
Practice Specialty
The language translator must know his or her translation limitations, and decline all projects that exist beyond these limitations both linguistically and technically speaking.
The language translator is fully accountable for his or her work. This includes recognizing and acknowledging any mistakes—as well as rectifying them even after the translation has been completed, thereby avoiding any potential liability or risk issues for the client, translator or Translingua.
Respect for all Parties
The language translator will demonstrate the utmost respect for all parties involved in the language translation process. This includes respecting the document(s) as the exclusive intellectual and physical property of the client.
Professional Development
The language translator must continually seek any and all professional development opportunities when available. This includes expanding their language translation skills, technical skills, and specialized industry expertise in their chosen field(s). Additionally, the language translator must remain open to receiving feedback from Translingua, coworkers and clients that help improve development and performance.
The American Translators Association Code of Ethics
The American Translators Association (ATA) has its own specific code of ethics that our language translators also adhere to above and beyond what Translingua lays forth. We adhere to the ATA standards for accountability, professionalism and accuracy because all of our translators are ATA accredited. So rest assured that when we perform language translation services for you, you are receiving the highest quality and the most ethical performance available anywhere in the world. This is the Translingua translation pledge, from all of us to you—each time, every time, and without hesitation or fail.